The TNRS web app lets you use the TNRS without the need for programming. Just enter one or more species names into the input box and press "Submit". Results will appear below. Sort the results display by clicking on the headers, and download the results as a comma-delimitted (CSV) or tab-delimitted (TSV) file by clicking on "Download data". Either file type should open automatically in Excel.
Entering the author along with the name will give you a more accurate match, and will help distinguish homonyms (same name, different author). Another way to distinguish homonyms is to include the family name in front of the species name. A lot of plant genera have one or more invalid usages for the same genus but in different families. Also, including the family prevents fuzzy matching from mixing up similarly-spelled genera. For example, Ficus (in the fig family, Moraceae) and Fucus (a brown algae). Try pasting the list of names below into the TNRS to see how it works.
Solanaceae Solanum bipatens Dunal
Hypopterygium incrassatolimbatum Müll. Hal.
Helotiaceae Diplothrix juniperifolia
Arecaceae Leopoldinia pulchra Mart.
Melastomataceae Leandra schenckii
Hydnocarpus macrocarpa
Campyliaceae Warnstorfia trichophylla (Warnst. ) Tuom. & T. J. Kop.
Piper sp.3
Poaceae Pseudochaetochloa australiensis Hitchc.