Veg-X is a generic template for the exchange of vegetation inventory data. Veg-X provides a common format and vocabulary for merging data from tree plots, vegetation quadrats, releves and other forms of ecological surveys.
In the past, variation in the methods used for collecting and storing information from plant ecological surveys has been an impediment to conducting research into plant diversity, distribution and function. The development of Veg-X was instrumental in the development of the BIEN database, which combines data from many different kinds of vegetation surveys. Veg-X is not a BIEN product, but rather a TDWG (Taxonomic Databases Working Group) draft exchange standard developed by many individuals and institutions, including several BIEN members.
To learn more about Veg-X, see the Vegetation Observations Data Exchange Task Group on the TDWG website, as well as the following publication:
Wiser SK, Spencer N, Cáceres M De, Kleikamp, M, Boyle, B, Peet, RK. 2011. Veg-X – an exchange standard for plot-based vegetation data. Journal of Vegetation Science 2011, 22:598–609. (PDF).
To begin working with Veg-X, we recommend you use the new R VegX package, described here.