NSR results columns
Column name | Meaning |
species | Latin name of the species submitted |
country | Country of observation |
state_province | Second-level political division (if any) of observation |
county_parish | Third-level political division (if any) of observation |
native_status_country | Native status in country (see native status values, below) |
native_status_state_province | Native status in state_province, if any (see native status values, below) |
native_status_county_parish | Native status in county_parish, if any (see native status values, below) |
native_status | Overall native status in lowest declared political division (see native status values, below) |
native_status_reason | Reason native status was assigned |
native_status_sources | Checklists used to determine native status |
is_cultivated_in_region | Species is known to be cultivated in declared region (1=cultivated; 0=wild, not cultivate; blank=status unknown) |
- Note: is_cultivated_in_region=1 if a given species within a given checklist region has been flagged as commonly cultivated (for example, Capsicum annuum [chile] in Mexico). Although it is likely that an observation with a value ofis_cultivated_in_region=1 represents a planted individual, it is possible is it wild (again, Capsicum annuum in Mexico).
Native status values
Native status code | Meaning |
P | Present in checklist for region of observation but no explicit status assigned |
N | Native to region of observation |
Ne | Native and endemic to region of observation |
A | Absent from all checklists for region of observation |
I | Introduced, as declared in checklist for region of observation |
Ie | Endemic to other region and therefore introduced in region of observation |
UNK | Unknown; no checklists available for region of observation and taxon not edemic elsewhere |