Native Species Resolver
The Native Species Resolver (NSR) uses a database of regional taxonomic checklists to determine if observations of a species within political divisions (country, state/province, county/parish, etc.) are native or introduced. The decision that species X is introduced in political division Y can be based on one or more of three criteria:
- Presence in a checklist for region y, with status of "introduced"
- Absence from a comprehensive list of species native to region Y
- Endemism in (restricted to) a region other than region Y
The NSR accepts one or more "observations" of a species (Latin binomial or trinomial, without the authority) in a country, a country + state/province, or a country + state/province + county/parish. How these observations are formatted depends on you access the NSR (batch mode, web service or web user interface (see NSR interfaces).
For each observation submitted, the NSR returns an opinion as to whether the observed species is native or introduced in the political unit of observation. For more details on the NSR, see NSR data dictionary.
NSR data sources
Currently the NSR uses comprehensive checklists for Canada, the United States, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, supplemented by listed of introduced species in the eastern US, and taxa endemic to the Old World. We need more data! Please contact Brad with links to more checklists. For more information on NSR, click NSR data sources.
NSRS Interfaces
You can access the NSR in NSR batch mode (shell access required), via the NSR API, or by using the RTNRS R package.